
Academic Session

 The academic session of the school commences in April and ends in March of following year.However ,it may vary depending on local climatically conditions.

School Timing

The school working hours. Depend on the local climactically condition and are promulgated by the school Principal. Changes in school working hours, if any will normally be notified on the respective school notice board.



Experimental proof of scientific phenomenon is necessary to convince the student .So laboratory facility is provided to high section student to examine the miracles of science practically .Laboratory is well equipped and. Being upgraded as per requirements.

Separate wings for Boys and Girls

Keeping in view our cultural and ethical obligations ,a separate wing has been established for the girls. Have separate timetable for curricular and co-curricular activities.


Library is available for both teachers as well as students to encourage their reading habits and literary activities .A large collection of books on different topics is there in the library and it is enhanced every year.

Computer labs

Our school has modern computers labs equipped with state of the art hi-tech computers having internet access for students

Medical Aid

Hassan Scholars arranges doctors and paramedical staff to provide first aid to the students when needed.

Sports Facilities.

The school offers coaching facilities and annual competition in outdoor and indoor games both for boys and girls.


School Bus Service

Limited transport is provided for the convenience of the students who have to travel long distance .Well behavior and obedience to the bus driver by every student is vital for the safety of every child. Your cooperation  in communicating this very important message is appreciated .The students have to pay separately for this pick and drop facility.


Teachers Training Program.

Teachers Training programs are arranged regularly to create awareness about new teaching skills and new modes of delivering lessons more effectively, in a way that students stay interested.

Professionals are invited form various well-known education organization such as,




Training program is a way to facilitate the teachers so that they can better understand the student and educate them in a perfect way.

Student Training Programs

Students are our valuable assets. We are committed to enhance their knowledge and skills which will empower them to perform well This will lead to a change in the performance of the students by enhancing productivity and team work .Now the question is not how much is produced but the question is how it is produced and why? for this purpose school conducts the special students training programs throughout the year.

Fee Structure

Admission Fee (Non-Re-Fundable)

Pre –Year 1 ,Pre-Year 2, Pre – year 3,                                       Rs.2000/-

Grade 1 to Grade 5                                                                          Rs.2000/-

Grade 6 to Grade 8                                                                          Rs.3000/-

Grade 9&10                                                                                        Rs.4000/-

Class Fee Schedule

English Medium

Pre-Year 1, Pre –Year 2,Pre –Year 3,                                         Rs.1300/-

Grade 1 to Grade 5                                                                          Rs.1300/-

Grade 6 to Grade 7                                                                          Rs.1500/-

Grade 8                                                                                                Rs.1500/-

Grade 9                                                                                                Rs.2000/-

Grade 10                                                                                              Rs.2000/-

Note -25% tuition fee will be discounted for 3rd child of one family .wagon fee is charged according to the distance / location Annual Stationary fund will be charged @ Rs .2000 / year in the month of September.

Admission Procedure

Admission is allowed to both boys and girls in all classes on the basis of the results of written test and interview against limited seats.

Application for admission is received on prescribed registration forms attached with the prospectus, available from the school accounts office on payment.

Photocopy of the birth certificate should be attached with the application form.

Entry tests are commensurate with age group and the requisite academic standard of the class in which admission is sought.

Passing marks for admission test are 50% in each subject.

Candidate selected for admission will be required to join within 10 days after the selection day.

Student must show good result after admission.

Their stay in first term will be provisional .The student having unsatisfactory conduct , progress or attitude will be expelled immediately.

Attendance and Leave.

It is mandatory for all students at last 90% of lectures in each subject. Failing which they will not be allowed to appear any annual examination of the school .Students who remain absent without a valid reason are liable to a fine of Rs.20/- per day which is debited to their account at the end of each month. Absent on Account of illness must be supported by a medical certificate. Names of Students Absent without leave for 6 consecutive days will be struck off from the school roll. The re-admission fee amounting to Rs.2500/- will be charged in case they are allowed to rejoin depending upon the discretion of the school authorities .Leave for marriage ceremonies will be granted only for such a period as it allows the students to spend a maximum of two days at the place of marriage.


Home Work

Home work is assigned daily in all classes .The homework is due on next school day.

Homework and Assignment policies are as follow

a) Homework and various other assignments are given for several reasons: to review and clarify concepts, to apply those concepts ,to drill material presented in class ,and to enhance further critical thinking skills .They also help to foster good work habits punctuality and student responsibility for quality work.


(b) Student are expected to complete the assigned work by the established due dates. These will be provided by the teachers .

c) Late homework must be accompanied by a legitimate excuse .Without such and excuse the assignment grade may be lowered by 10 marks as a penalty.

d) Student who fail to hand in three or more assignments within a marking period risk receiving no credit for that assignment.

e) Students who fail to hand in three or more assignments within a marking period risk a failing grade for that subject .No made-up assignment are allowed except when excused by the office, students will have the week in which they return to school after an absence to turn in the assignment.

Monthly Progress Reports

Teachers will send home a Monthly report of child’s performance during the Month. With suggestions and comments. Please review these reports sign and return them to the teacher. Help your child / children on the suggestion from the teachers.

Tests and Assessments

Regular testing is essential for evaluation of a student. Teachers will observe a regular schedule of tests and assessments. Children on an excused absence will have a chance to take the make –up-test or assessment they missed. These tests and assessment will make on up 10% of the final grade for that marking period.

Examination System

Examination system, at our school, from play Group to 10th class is Term Wise .Academic year is divided into four terms as:

First- Final Term

Second Final Term

A predefined schedule of these term exams is given to the parents through their children .The result is declared on parents –teachers meetings.

8th class exams are held annually according to the schedule by Punjab Board of Intermediate & Secondary

9th& 10th class exams are held on annual basis as per schedule prescribed by the Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Gujranwala.

Besides annual exams of 8th, 9th & 10th class school exams and class tests are also conducted proper & regular
